Sky Cycles Installation
The Installation of Sky Cycles Sky Cycles at the BART Warm Springs Station, Fremont, CA. is in progress. The project has Over 7000 square feet of art glass and is being hailed as a model of innovative planning (see article)
Sky Cycles weaves images from different times of day, different times of year and different points of view into single images that are in turn woven into the present moment, the
actual sky from the point of each viewer. My source of images for Pioneer Mountain, Elizabeth Lake and the surrounding area are photographs taken by residents and visitors to these areas and posted on line. It is as if I were seeing the whole area through the eyes of those who walk and live here at many different times of day, different times of year, each a unique moment in time, a unique experience.
See a brief slideshow of images from the installation here.
To learn more about the project and see pictures of how it will look when it is finished please see the project page on this site: Sky Cycles